Azure Data Lake Storage gen 2
Directories and files listing from C#
To summarize: ADLS gen 2 is a Blob Storage on steroids. To list files, we should use Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake. If we insist on using Azure.Storage.Blobs, we loose hierarchy and some strange blobs appear on the road.
There are 2 ways to connect to ADLS: using the account name + account key or a SAS url. I strongly suggest the latter for security reasons.
Parameters for account name + key:
string storageAccountName = "storagename";
string stroageAccountKey = "Q6EQt....==";
string storageContainerName = "testcontainer";
string storageAccountURL = $"https://{storageAccountName}";
// even "https://{storageAccountName}" works fine
Parameters for SAS url:
string storageAccountSASUrl = "";
Listing files and directories using DataLake client
var dataLakeCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(storageAccountName, troageAccountKey);
var dataLakeClient = new DataLakeServiceClient(new Uri(storageAccountURL), ataLakeCredential);
var dataLakeFileSystem = dataLakeClient.GetFileSystemClient(storageContainerName);
var items = dataLakeFileSystem.GetPaths(recursive: true).ToList();
foreach (var item in items)
Console.WriteLine($" > {(item.IsDirectory == true ? "[DIR]" : " ")} {item.Name}");
> [DIR] d1
> [DIR] d1/d1_1
> d1/d1_1/file8.jpg
> d1/d1_1/file9.jpg
> d1/file3.jpg
> d1/file4.jpg
> d1/file5.jpg
> [DIR] d_empty
> file1.jpg
> file2.jpg
List files and directories using DataLake client on a SAS Url
var dataLakeFSClient = new DataLakeFileSystemClient(new Uri(storageAccountSASUrl));
var items = dataLakeFSClient.GetPaths(recursive: true).ToList();
foreach (var item in items)
Console.WriteLine($" > {(item.IsDirectory == true ? "[DIR]" : " ")} {item.Name}");
> [DIR] d1
> [DIR] d1/d1_1
> d1/d1_1/file8.jpg
> d1/d1_1/file9.jpg
> d1/file3.jpg
> d1/file4.jpg
> d1/file5.jpg
> [DIR] d_empty
> file1.jpg
> file2.jpg
List files and directories using traditional Blob client on a SAS Url
var blobClient = new BlobContainerClient(new Uri(storageAccountSASUrl));
var blobs = blobClient.GetBlobs(traits: Azure.Storage.Blobs.Models.BlobTraits.Metadata).ToList();
foreach (var blob in blobs)
bool isFolder = blob.Metadata.ContainsKey("hdi_isfolder"); // when key is present, the value is always true"
Console.WriteLine($" > {(isFolder == true ? "[DIR]" : " ")} {blob.Name}");
> [DIR] d1
> [DIR] d1/d1_1
> d1/d1_1/file8.jpg
> d1/d1_1/file9.jpg
> d1/file3.jpg
> d1/file4.jpg
> d1/file5.jpg
> [DIR] d_empty
> file1.jpg
> file2.jpg