Using KeePass as an MFA / 2-step sign-in method with Microsoft consumer accounts
This post is about using KeePass with Microsoft consumer accounts (,, e5tc.) for the 2-step verification process. General considerations about using KeePass as a storage for TOTP keys and generator of one-time-password, can be found ==> here <== :
The following steps assume the 2-step-verification has been already activated. If not already active, some more steps are needed. But the fundamental ones are the same
Login into Select Security from the top bar and select Advanced security options:

Select “Add a new way to sign in or verify”:

Select “Use an app”:

Select “set up a different Authenticator app”:

Select “I can’t scan the bar code”:

Copy the Secret key:

Paste the secret key into Otp generartor setting of the KeePass entry:

Remove white spaces from the secret key if present. KeePass immediately start generating OTP codes:

Copy and paste the generated value into the browser and press Next:

If everything worked, a new method has been added:

Now you can use the OTP generated by KeePass during the login process.